Résztvevő kórusok / Participating Choirs
Karvezetők / conductors: Yu-Chung John Ku
The Taipei Philharmonic Chorus was founded in 1972 and, through the efforts of its conductors, has put together an extensive repertoire and cultivated a reputation as one of the most prestigious choirs in Taiwan. From the 140 members of the larger Chorus, a smaller 30-voice chamber choir has been established to tour and to perform more selective musical works. This group, known as the "Taipei Philharmonic Chamber Choir (TPCC)", has an impressive history of performing overseas. TPCC has participated in various International Choral Festivals, such as the 6th World Symposium on Choral Music in Minneapolis/St. Paul, U.S.A. in 2002, Oregon Bach Festival in Eugene, U.S.A. in 2006, ACDA National Conventions in Chicago in 2011, Polyfollia Festival in Saint Lo, France in 2013, Next Wave Festival in New York, U.S.A. and Melbourne Festival in 2017, among others. In 2016, TPCC is invited to perform in the "Holy Mass and Canonization of Blessed Mother Theresa of Calcutta" in Vatican. In 2023, TPCC was invited to be one of the 10 international choirs featuring in the World Symposium on Choral Music in Türkiye.
Karvezető / conductor: HSIANG-YUN FU
Manager : LING-LI CHEN
Founded in 1989, Taipei Philharmonic Youth & Children’s Choir (TPYCC) was established with the mission to promote excellence in children’s choiring and deepen their cultural awareness. TPYCC’s repertoire includes sacred music from all eras, folksongs and children’s songs from Taiwan and other regions. By providing a pleasant environment and music training in both rudimentary and advanced level, children learn choir-singing effortlessly and experience the beauty and pleasure that music brings. TPYCC’s presence can also be found in various charity events and we look forward to providing our children a healthy, joyful and harmonious childhood through music education. In addition to guest appearances and regular concerts taking place twice a year, internationally, TPYCC has achieved significant recognition. They won a Silver Medal at the 10th Sydney International Music Festival in 1999. TPYCC has also toured in the US and Europe, winning Gold and Silver Medals at the World Choir Games in Germany in 2004 and top prizes at festivals in Spain and Austria. In Taiwan, TPYCC has ventured into musical theater productions and collaborated with renowned conductors like Kari Ala-Pöllänen from Finland, John August Pamintuan and Maria Theresa Vizconde-Roldan from the Philippines, and Anthony Trecek-King from the US. In 2000, TPYCC performed at the National Symphony Orchestra (NSO)’s Christmas concert, in 2019, TPYCC was invited again by NSO to participate in the production of “Tosca’’ directed by Huai-Min Lin and won two gold medals at the 2019 International Copernicus Choir Festival & Competition (PER MUSICAM AD ASTRA), they also performed at the Summa Cum Laude music festival in Vienna. In 2023, TPYCC participated in three major music festivals in Italy, further solidifying their international reputation. The endeavors for international exchange have made TPYCC a notable success in the choir community and enriched our children’s lives with a sense of achievement.
Karvezető / conductor: Jens Bauditz
The Neuer Knabenchor Hamburg, founded by Brigitte Siebenkittel in 1991 and currently under the direction of Jens Bauditz since 2012, is one of the most prestigious boys' choirs in Northern Germany. The choir is supported by the Hamburg State Music School.
vette át a kórust, és 2012 óta Jens Bauditz vezetése alatt áll.
The choir consists of 170 boys from Hamburg. Boys as young as four are trained in three different age groups in the preparatory choirs. The most talented boys and young men perform in the main choir. Members enjoy singing together, high-quality and diverse choral work, and the blend of traditional and contemporary artistic approaches. Individual vocal training is provided from the age of eight, with contributions from NDR Vocal Ensemble singers since 2020.
Regular collaboration with the NDR Vocal Ensemble, including workshops and performances. Notable performances include concerts with the NDR Bigband and jazz legend Carla Bley, and the debut of Krzysztof Penderecki's "St. Luke Passion" under the composer’s direction at the Schleswig-Holstein Music Festival. Since 2014, the choir has annually held the "A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols," featuring prominent guests like Katharina Thalbach and Rufus Beck. The choir’s repertoire includes symphonic choral concerts such as Johann Sebastian Bach's "Christmas Oratorio" and "St. John Passion," performed with historical instruments, as well as a wide range of a cappella pieces from Gregorian chant to contemporary works by composers like Knut Nystedt, Arvo Pärt, and Kristina Vasiliauskaite.
Regular performances in Hamburg’s main churches, the Elbphilharmonie, and the Laeiszhalle. Frequent performances outside Hamburg, including the Frauenkirche in Dresden and the Bundestag in Berlin. International tours have taken the choir to England, Vienna, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Rome, Prague, Israel, Denmark, Switzerland, and the USA.
Művészeti vezető / artistic director: Caro Kindt
Karvezető / conductor: Anaïs de la Morandais ( Jeugd Kamerkoor)
Karvezető / conductor : Pia Pleijsier (Jeugdkoor)
A 2005-ben Caro Kindt művészeti vezető által alapított Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam (NVA) egy énekes hangképző program, amely operára és zenés színházra specializálódott és minden 4 és 21 év közötti gyermek és fiatal számára nyitva áll. Nincs szükség meghallgatásra, hiszen az NVA közel 400 diákja heti rendszerességgel ének- és szolfézsórákon vesz részt, és az NVA 24 kórusának egyikében énekel. A kellő tehetséggel és motivációval rendelkező gyermekek meghívást kaphatnak a Nieuw NVA válogatott kórusaiba, az Amsterdams Kinderkoor, a Nieuw Amsterdams Jongenskoor, a Nieuw Amsterdams Jeugdkoor vagy az Amsterdams Jeugd Kamerkoor-ba, amelyek saját szakterületükön az európai élvonalba tartoznak. 2018 óta a válogatott kórusok Anaïs de la Morandais karmester irányítása alatt működnek.
NVA specializes in combining a healthy, classical singing technique with musical theater. Much of the repertoire is choreographed. In addition to major works, the repertoire consists of music from all corners of the world and all different time periods. NVA believes that an extensive repertoire and an energetic and lively approach to music and performing allows students to optimally develop their musical skill set and allows for the most joy, both in rehearsals and on stage.
NVA is open to all children who want nothing more than to sing, regardless of cultural, geographical or financial background. For example, NVA has now set up two Leerkoren, in collaboration with Leerorkest Amsterdam and annually teaches 1500 children in schools all throughout Amsterdam.
In 2017 and 2024, choirs of Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam received a First Prize Summa Cum Laude at the Europees Muziekfestival voor de Jeugd in Neerpelt, Belgium. In 2018, Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam won a Silver diplom at the International Cantemus Choir Festival in Nyíregyháza (Hungary). In 2022 and 2023, exchanges with the Chorakademie Dortmund and Coro Juvenil de Universidade de Lisboa (CIUL) in Lisbon were on the program. In 2025, Nieuw Vocaal Amsterdam will take part in the Europäischer Jugendchor Festival in Basel (Switzerland).
In addition to renowned children's choir repertoire, NVA performed a large number of operas in its own production including: Humperdinck's Hänsel und Gretel, Britten's The Golden Vanity and The little Sweep and Hans Krása's famous children's opera Brundibár. Together with Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ, NVA annually produces the acclaimed Kerstspel, featuring historic Western European Christmas repertoire arranged by conductor and baroque pioneer Ton Koopman.
2016 óta az NVA a Holland Nemzeti Opera és Balett (NOB) gyermekkórus partnere.
Since 2016, NVA has been the regular children's choir partner of the Dutch National Opera & Ballet (NOB).
In recent years, NVA's singers have appeared in La Boheme, Carmen, Königskinder, Tosca, Wozzeck,
Pagliacci, Pique Dame, Chovantsjina and the world premiere of Animal Farm, among others. Together, NOB and NVA provide education days in which NVA singers are trained for the opera profession. Other regular partners of NVA include Cappella Amsterdam and the Amsterdam International Community School.
NVA's singers have worked with various orchestras, including the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra, the Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra and the Orchestra of the 18th Century, conducted by Mariss Jansons, Markus Stenz, Lahav Shani, Ton Koopman, Daniel Reuss, Marc Albrecht and Lorenzo Viotti, among others.
Karvezető / conductor: Aarne Saluveer, Silja Uhs
Estonian Television Girls' Choir grew out from the Music Studio of Estonian Television Children's Program founded by Eve Viilup and Aarne Saluveer in 1990. Today, there are thirty singers, aged from 15 to 25, singing in the choir. The repertoire of the choir consists of classical and contemporary music, sacred music, folk music accompanied by dance movements and modern pop-jazz music programs. Estonian TV Girls' Choir has won awards from several international competitions (Gorizia 2001, Arezzo 2002, Tolosa 2004, Arnhem 2005 etc). Concert tours have taken them to USA, Israel, Russia, Great Britain, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, France, Andorra, Portugal, Austria, Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Latvia. In 2008, the choir had a concert tour in Europe where they gave more than 20 concerts in different concerts hall. The tour was dedicated to celebrating the 90th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia. Estonian TV Girls' Choir have collaborated with Estonian composers Arvo Pärt, Veljo Tormis, Urmas Sisask, Tõnis Mägi and appeared at a number on international conferences, symposiums, festivals. In 2003, they premiered Arvo Pärt's Peace Upon You, Jerusalem in New York. The piece is dedicated to Aarne Saluveer and Estonian TV Girls' Choir.
Karvezető / conductor: Maestro Stefano Bittante
A Trichiana polifonikus kórus 1983-ban alakult. A kórus 24 tagból áll. A kórus repertoárjában főként népdalok szerepelnek.
A kórus tagja az ASAC (Association for the Development of Choral Tevékenységek Venetóban) és jelen van annak néhány kezdeményezésében.
(„Dolomitok kórusban” és „Velence kórusban”).
A kórus minden évben megszervezi a tavaszi koncertet és a karácsonyi koncertet. Koncerteket adott különböző olaszországi helyszíneken és néhány külföldi helyszínen Franciaországban, Svájcban, Brazíliában (Rio Grande do Sul), Lengyelországban és Németországban. A kórus hat alkalommal vett részt a horvátországi FAKS fesztiválon.
2023-ban 40 éves fennállását azzal ünnepelte, hogy meghívott négy nagy kórust Trichiana-ba: a Zumellese kórust Melből (Olaszország), a Roženice kórust Pazinból (Horvátország), a Cantemus Fiúkórust Nyíregyházáról (Magyarország) és a „6na6” énekegyüttest Rybnik-ből (Lengyelország).
Stefano Bittante karmester a Gaetano Donizetti konzervatóriumban, Bergamóban, klasszikus gitár tanulmányokkal kezdte zenei pályafutását. Szenvedélyesen követi édesapját, Paolót, az Icat kórus egykori tanárát Treviglioban, aki a lodi-i Monte Alben kórus, a Belluno-i Monti del Sole kórus és a Visbell Group tanárát.
Stefano karnagy 1995-ben örökölte meg a Visbell Group vezetését apja távolléte után, amelyet sikeresen vezetett 2013-ig. Ezután 2015-ben kérték fel, hogy vegye át a Trichiana polifonikus kórusának vezetését, melyet ő lelkesen elfogadott.
2016-ban részt vett a kórusvezetők bentlakásos kurzusán Mel-ben. Hogy kutathassa az éneklés pozitív hatásait az emberi lélekre 2021-ben beiratkozott egy hároméves szakmai
zeneterápiás szakképzésre a Venetói Zenei Intézetben, „Città di Thiene” (VI.).
A kórus tehát a olyan zeneterápiás technikák kipróbálásának szentelte magát, amelyeket Stefano karnagy sajátított el azzal a céllal, hogy javítsa az énekhang volumenét, kapacitását és minőségét.
Karvezető / conductor: Nakamura Hiroki
We "THEO Mixed Choir" are music lovers gathered under the direction of conductor NAKAMURA Hiroki. Our conductor's background is with the CANTEMUS International choral festival. He has participated in 6 master courses and 4 choirs and has gained broad experience. He currently conducts 15 choirs in Tokyo, Japan, and we belong to one of them. Singing in different choirs, mingling as THEO Mixed Choir when we participate in events overseas, we are made up of various generations, with an age difference of nearly 60 years. We are all united in our joy to participate in this festival.
Karvezető / conductor: Durányik László
The AURIN GIRLS’ CHOIR was formed in 1998 in the famous Kodály School of Kecskemét, of girls over 15 who were previously members of the Miraculum Children’s Choir. Now the choir is among the best youth choirs in Europe. The founder and director of the choir is László Durányik.
The Girls’ Choir has been awarded 21 first prizes up to 2017. They won 1st prizes in Riva del Garda, Debrecen, Kalundborg, Grado, Budapest, Llangollen, Lecco, Krakow, Wroclaw, Ohrid, they became Olympic Champions in China, they won 2nd and 3rd prizes in Maasmechelen, Celje, Arezzo. The girls visited a plenty of countries for festivals, concert tours: England, Wales, Scotland, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Italy, Spain, Romania, France, China, Poland, Cyprus, Macedonia, Bulgaria. The choir is always trying to augment its repertoire, which is based on Renaissance to 20th century music, with a special focus on choral works by Kodály, Bartók, Bárdos, Kocsár and Orbán.
The choir’s aims are: to play an important role in the cultural life of our town, to be part of Hungarian musical life, to take part successfully in national and international concerts, festivals and choir competitions, to make high quality recordings and to represent Kodály’s home-town, Kecskemét, in a fitting way all over the world.
They have given concerts in London, Liverpool, Oxford, Cambridge, Llangollen, Edinburgh, Trondheim, Copenhagen, Brussels, Maasmechelen, Turin, Arezzo, Rome, Lecco, Timisoara, Timisoara, Timisoara, Cantonigros, Paris, Tours, Marseille, Lisbon, Krakow, etc.